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The (almost) Perfect Wifi Solution

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Ok - maybe not 100% perfect but its pretty darn close.

There's been many a trip where I've rented a car in a foreign country and have always wanted that security of having my own wifi with me for directions, phone calls and even doing a post or two. With Skyroam, I seriously have that peace of mind at least most of the time.

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I tested Skyroam Solis on my last three trips. In Ireland and Greece, things worked perfectly. In Tulum, Mexico it was not great. But was it the ocean?

It seems anytime I am near the ocean, I have trouble with wifi even if it's in the U.S. but in any case, I will still always bring my Skyroam with me.

Use coupon code PAPPASROSS for a discount!

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